
趣玩攻 人气:2.05W



1.恶魔猎手:Heep my word demons, you better start running. 恶魔们给我听好了,你们准备逃命吧!

2.元素之王:The elements are mine to control.元素之力由我掌控!

3.黑暗精灵流放者:So, who are we killing today? 哼哼,今天咱们取谁的性命?

4.深水君王:Water is King Reega's domain!水里是老子的地盘!

5.游牧刺客:Move like the wind and leave no footprints on the sand. 身动如风,踏沙无痕!

6.赌徒:I am one of the best fighter in Haradon. You can bet your life on it!我是哈拉顿最厉害的战士。你可以赌上你的小命!

7.审判者:A wizard's magic is no match for my swift judgement! 我迅疾的审判秒杀任何法师的魔法!

8.灰袍女巫:The grey witch is coming for you, hiehiehiehia.灰袍肥婆来抓你咯!

9.相位大师:I shall strike down any who stand in my way. 挡我者死!我挡者,也死!

10.潮汐女祭祀:And they will rise from the ashes of what was, to smite the transgressors and reclaim their glory! 他们将于灰烬中东山再起,击溃那些僭越者并重获荣耀!

11.变色龙:You cannot kill what you cannot see.你杀不了你所看不到的。

12.骑士大师:My blade is at your behest!我的大斧听您的召唤!

13.机器守卫:The mortals of Haradon will pay for what they have done. 哈拉顿的凡人将为他们的行为付出代价!

14.岩拳:werrrrrh. 我 日……

15.熔炼之王:Stare into the darkness long enough and soon the darkness is staring into you!过久地凝视黑暗会让黑暗侵蚀你!

16.战争法师:Do not be so foolish as to judge a mage's skill by her appearance. 姐很性感但是更暴力。

17.哥布林侦查者:Underestimating me will be your last mistake!小看我你就等死吧!

18.女妖杀手:Consider a quick death a blessing if you meet me in battle!早死早超生吧!不然我让你求死不能!

19.重生的暴君:Tonight I feast on the flesh of fools.今晚我将享用你们这群傻瓜。

20.沙漠行者:You won't find a better shot than me in all of Haradon, my friend.我是全哈拉顿最好地猎手,我的朋友!

21.钢铁守卫:The great race of Minotaurs will rise again!牛头人会再一次雄起!

22.大地巨人:As master of wood, rock, and soil, the earth is at my command. 我是木,石,土之主宰,整个大地都听我指挥!

23.厄运先知:I shall burn my enemies with the fury of a thousand suns! 吾之敌必将焚尽于熊熊怒焰中!

24.奥术战士:Does all of this standing around of a point? 你们站一圈干什么?

25.碎骨者:The bards that'll be living in the tmrw will be making the sing of this day! 活到明天的吟游诗人们会传颂今天的故事!

26.野蛮公主:My enemies will pay in blood.我的敌人们,会付出血的代价!

27.遗忘战士:Mercy? Ha! They don't call me ”Balondis the Merciless” for nothing. 怜悯?“无情的布隆迪斯”可不是浪得虚名!

28.恶魔领主:neither the pauper nor the king will get out of this world alive.死神面前众生平等。

29.蝼蚁守卫:Long live the queen! Tribe Redtrophi will have our revenge!女王万岁!瑞德楚斐部落会复仇的!

30.独眼巨人:Polyphemus is free! Polyphemus only does what he wants now. 自由了!再也不用受命于人了!

31.末日先驱:I will xxxxxxxx foolish enough to stand in my way. 说话自带回声,xxxx部分实在听不出,过他的意思应该是”我会好好教训一下那些螳臂当车的蠢货”。