我的世界快照15W46A发布 修复大量Bug

趣玩攻 人气:1.33W

Here it is, this weeks snapshot, going by the fancy name “15w46a” is now available. There are still a lot of bug open on our bugtracker that need to be taken care of before we can release version 1.9 of Minecraft, but with each of these snapshots we are getting a little bit closer to that point.

我的世界快照15W46A发布 修复大量Bug


Now is also a good time to look into the changes between 1.8 and 1.9 if you are creating resource packs or custom maps with command blocks.


Notable changes:


Fixed a lot of bugs


Updated version number


Less strict about entities behavior, but more strict about the colors they use


Made up at least one notable change to make the list look longer


Bugs fixed in this snapshot:


[Bug MC-128] - 3rd person view reverts to 1st person view if head inside a block

[Bug MC-128] - 如果被卡在方块里,第三人称视角会返回第一人称。

[Bug MC-415] - Leaves replace transparent blocks

[Bug MC-415] - 树叶会替换透明方块。

[Bug MC-1701] - Flying through a Portal in Creative turns off “fly mode” on the other side

[Bug MC-1701] - 在创造模式飞过一个传送门会在另一头出来的时候关闭飞行模式

[Bug MC-1752] - Breaking Doors moves the other part of the door sometimes

[Bug MC-1752] - 破坏门有时候会移动门的另一部分。

[Bug MC-1846] - First-person perspective parallax problem

[Bug MC-1846] - 第一人称视角视差问题。

[Bug MC-2255] - Redstone wire uses different criteria for connecting visually and logically

[Bug MC-2255] - 红石线在连接时,在视觉上和逻辑上使用了不同的标准。

[Bug MC-2844] - Doors have no placement sound.

[Bug MC-2844] - 门没有放置音效。

[Bug MC-3430] - Detector rails do not power adjacent powered rails upward on slope

[Bug MC-3430] - 探测铁轨不会激活相邻的向上动力铁轨。

[Bug MC-3634] - Blocks incorrectly able to be placed on end portal frame

[Bug MC-3634] - 方块放置在末地传送门框架上时显示不正确。

[Bug MC-3776] - IPv6 Does Not Work

[Bug MC-3776] - IPv6无法工作。

[Bug MC-3867] - Mob inside mob spawner “stutters” if no player is in spawn range or spawner is outside worldborder

[Bug MC-3867] - 如果玩家不在刷怪范围内或者刷怪箱超出世界边界,刷怪箱中的生物会有点"结巴"。

[Bug MC-4839] - Sprinting Stops After Certain Distance/Time

[Bug MC-4839] - 在一定距离/时间后,潜行状态会自动停止。

[Bug MC-5927] - Daylight Sensor outputting signal when encased

[Bug MC-5927] - 日光传感器在被方块包裹时也会输出信号。

[Bug MC-5951] - Comparator side input does not recognize all types of redstone power sources

[Bug MC-5951] - 红石比较器侧面输入不能识别任何能级的红石信号源。

[Bug MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

[Bug MC-7519] - 移除反胃药水的效果时,屏幕会显示在传送门中的效果(紫色烟雾)。 ——我才知道这是BUG!

[Bug MC-11149] - Redstone hitbox not allowing block below to be hit

[Bug MC-11149] - 红石线碰撞箱不允许玩家接触它下面的方块。

[Bug MC-11519] - Epilepsy trigger from collecting a lot of EXP

[Bug MC-11519] - 如果收集太多经验会导致癫痫发作。

[Bug MC-12959] - TNT mesh rotated wrongly placed vs primed

[Bug MC-12959] - TNT纹理在放置时和点燃时不同。

[Bug MC-13818] - Unable to see Horse Health in Creative

[Bug MC-13818] - 不能在创造模式查看马的血量。

[Bug MC-19243] - Breath icon misplaced with Absorption

[Bug MC-19243] - 当玩家有伤害吸收效果时,氧气的图标放错了地方。

[Bug MC-35665] - Glass panes don’t join up correctly with ice blocks

[Bug MC-35665] - 玻璃板不会正确的连接冰块。

[Bug MC-38422] - Blocks drop XP with doTileDrops set to false

[Bug MC-38422] - 当doTileDrops设为false的时候方块还是会掉落经验。

[Bug MC-47636] - Boats appear to be sunken in water

[Bug MC-47636] - 船在水里会沉没。

[Bug MC-49370] - mobGriefing false snowman snow placing

[Bug MC-49370] - mobGriefing设为false时雪人还是会产生雪。

[Bug MC-54109] - Wolfs collar is orange insted of red

[Bug MC-54109] - 狼的项圈呈现橙红色。

[Bug MC-57569] - Wither Moves During Shield Generation / Wither attacking before initial explosion

[Bug MC-57569] - 凋零在开启防护盾时移动/凋零在初始爆炸之前发起攻击。

[Bug MC-59777] - Endermen lose ability to dodge melee attacks after being hit

[Bug MC-59777] - 末影人失去了被击中后的闪避攻击能力。

[Bug MC-62041] - Untamed horses continue consuming food after reaching 100% tameability

[Bug MC-62041] - 未命名的马在驯服成功率达到100%后还继续消耗食物。

[Bug MC-62118] - Iron bars model issues

[Bug MC-62118] - 铁栅栏模型问题。

[Bug MC-64139] - Cannot place banner or sign on snow layer level 1

[Bug MC-64139] - 不能在一层雪上放置旗帜或牌子

[Bug MC-64492] - Changes to mob spawning algorithm

[Bug MC-64492] - 改变怪物生成算法。

[Bug MC-65214] - Guardians are spawned in random places

[Bug MC-65214] - 远古守卫者会随机生成。

[Bug MC-65240] - Banner pole texture mis-aligned

[Bug MC-65240] - 旗帜纹理系统不对齐。

[Bug MC-78635] - Stopping a server after save-off causes unexpected data loss

[Bug MC-78635] - 在save-off后关闭服务器会导致数据丢失。

[Bug MC-80807] - NBT data for SmallFireballs is incomplete

[Bug MC-80807] - 小火球的NBT数据不完整。

[Bug MC-84306] - Glowing aura doesn’t work if team color is set to reset

[Bug MC-84306] - 当计分板team的color被设为reset时发光效果不会显示。

[Bug MC-92137] - Stairs’ UV Mapping is upside-down

[Bug MC-92137] - 台阶的UV映射倒置。

[Bug MC-92144] - Hopper: java.lang.ClassCastException: ahw cannot be cast to ahn

[Bug MC-92144] - Hopper反馈的错误: java.lang.ClassCastException: ahw cannot be cast to ahn

[Bug MC-92167] - “Realms Notifications” option in options menu

[Bug MC-92167] - "领域通知"选项显示在设置菜单。

[Bug MC-92443] - Typo in soundevent name “enttiy.zombie.infect”

[Bug MC-92443] - 打错了声音事件的名字"enttiy.zombie.infect"。(正确应该为"entity.zombie.infect"——译注)

Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

想要快照,请打开您的正版启动器并且点击"New Profile"按钮,在对话框中把"Enable experimental development snapshots"选项打开,然后将"Use version"选为"Use Latest Version",保存,然后点击"Play"开始游戏吧~您可以在版本下拉列表中选择回普通的版本。在体验快照前请记得备份地图或者在"new profile"对话框里更改游戏文件夹。

Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
