
趣玩攻 人气:2.4W

The snapshots decided to take a vacation to celebrate christmas, but we could convince them of one last appearance before they disappear for the rest of the year. But no worries, the developers are also on vacation, so there won’t be any changes in the game that you could miss.



As a special guest star we have the bug fix for one of our most popular recent bugs included in this weeks snapshot. The world generator will now no longer take a coffee break while the player is riding a horse or using a boat. And I was told that even riding a minecart is on that list.


Notable changes:


Fixed many more bugs


The glow effect is now 23% better looking


Another 12 lines tweaked in the AI code


World generation doesn’t stop anymore when players are riding boats, horses, minecarts or ghasts.


Bugs fixed in this snapshot:


[Bug MC-3564] - Debug message “Unable to locate Sign at (x, y, z)” left inside Minecraft Client

[Bug MC-3564] - Minecraft客户端中残留“Unable to locate Sign at (x, y, z)”调试信息

[Bug MC-13046] - Certain supported characters glitch out, clearing out lines of text.

[Bug MC-13046] - 特定文字故障,文本行消失

[Bug MC-44493] - Some Enchantment Text is too long

[Bug MC-44493] - 部分附魔文本过长

[Bug MC-51725] - Gamerule doMobLoot does not affect the dropping of music discs

[Bug MC-51725] - 游戏规则doMobLoot不影响唱片的掉落

[Bug MC-69072] - “/worldborder warning distance/time” throws an error when used without arguments

[Bug MC-69072] - “/worldborder warning distance/time”不带参数调用时抛出错误

[Bug MC-73886] - Villager don’t recognize blocked doors correctly

[Bug MC-73886] - 村民对堵住的门没有正确的认知

[Bug MC-75256] - Spawnprotection is also spawn randomization size

[Bug MC-75256] - 出生保护地以随即大小生成

[Bug MC-85709] - The Enderdragon is incorrect outlined, when it has the Glowing Effect

[Bug MC-85709] - 末影龙带有发光效果时外轮廓不正确

[Bug MC-86099] - The outline of Glowing Guardian’s tail is bigger than the tail itself

[Bug MC-86099] - 发光的深海守卫者的尾巴的轮廓比自身大

[Bug MC-87559] - Gamerule missing indicator for affected gamerule

[Bug MC-87559] - gamerule对被影响的游戏规则缺少提示

[Bug MC-89246] - When the “glowing” effect finishes on an entity it un-renders things for one frame

[Bug MC-89246] - 当实体的发光效果结束时,它会有一帧不渲染

[Bug MC-89915] - Chunks don’t load when you are in a minecart/on a horse/pig

[Bug MC-89915] - 骑矿车/马/猪时区块不加载

[Bug MC-89954] - All boat types drop oak wood planks

[Bug MC-89954] - 所有船掉落橡木木板

[Bug MC-90585] - Navigating on a boat wearing Frost Walker Enchantment frosts the water layer below the boat.

[Bug MC-90585] - 穿着带有冰霜行者附魔的鞋子乘船会导致船下方的水冻结

[Bug MC-92915] - Items, blocks & XP orbs appear transparent and/or gray when picked up

[Bug MC-92915] - 物品、方块和经验球捡起时透明和/或变灰

[Bug MC-93474] - Players can place End Crystal in Adventure mode

[Bug MC-93474] - 冒险模式中玩家可以放置末影水晶

[Bug MC-93483] - Spectators opening LootTable Chests will generate the items inside

[Bug MC-93483] - 旁观者模式的玩家打开带有可掠夺物品表的箱子时会生成其中的物品

[Bug MC-93503] - Inner elytra texture not rendered while holding skulls

[Bug MC-93503] - 带有头颅时滑翔翅内部的纹理不渲染

[Bug MC-93532] - Holding items will minimal brighten elytra

[Bug MC-93532] - 持有物品会使滑翔翅变暗

[Bug MC-93614] - Bats fly from creative players

[Bug MC-93614] - 蝙蝠飞离创造模式的玩家

[Bug MC-93622] - Endermen remain hostile after switching gamemodes.

[Bug MC-93622] - 玩家切换游戏模式后末影人依然保持仇恨

[Bug MC-93772] - Mobs follow player in creative and spectator mode

[Bug MC-93772] - 生物在创造模式和旁观模式中跟随玩家

[Bug MC-93844] - Transparent hat pixels on skull render opaque

[Bug MC-93844] - 头颅的帽子上的透明像素渲染为不透明

[Bug MC-93944] - Default resource pack is ordered topmost until closing and re-entering the resource pack dialogue

[Bug MC-93944] - 默认资源包被放在最顶端知道重新进入资源包菜单

[Bug MC-94010] - Wolves joining an attack stay aggressive on player even after changing gamemode

[Bug MC-94010] - 参与攻击的狼在玩家切换游戏模式后保持仇恨

[Bug MC-94252] - ArmorStands’ DisabledSlots incorrect flags implementation

[Bug MC-94252] - ArmorStands的DisabledSlots标签实现不正确

[Bug MC-94295] - Ender dragon respawns on its own in pre-1.9 worlds

[Bug MC-94295] - 在1.9之前的世界中末影龙自动重生

Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!


To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

如果你想试玩快照,请打开启动器并点击“New Profile”按钮,选中“snapshots”并选择“Enable experimental development snapshots”并点击保存。如果要切换到普通的版本,你可以在启动器左下角的按钮上面的下拉菜单中选择。在开始快照前备份你的世界或在不同的文件夹中启动快照(见new profile对话框)。

Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
